Every Fathom, One Life

Sports is a necessary activity for a healthy and happy life and is important for all people. However, sports have a different importance for disabled individuals. Because sports can open a new window for disabled individuals who already face many obstacles in their lives and live with the stress caused by these obstacles.

Regardless of the type and degree of disability, moving, exercising and participating in sports activities give pleasure to the individual, and the pleasure felt from moving increases the individual's joy of life.

In addition to its positive contributions to health, by doing sports, the individual can share his loneliness with other people, make friends, learn solidarity, have the opportunity to develop by recognizing his talents, and develop positive feelings towards himself, his body and other people. All of these give the individual the chance to achieve and sustain a meaningful and satisfying life.

Disabled individuals can complete the training process of specially organized competitive sports, participate in competitions, and experience success and failure. In this sense, they now perceive themselves as "athletes" rather than disabled individuals. With the confidence provided by this feeling, individuals can learn to cope with their disabilities.

The "Every Stroke, One Life" activity, which was initiated by Alanya Municipality within the scope of the "Alanya for All" project, for disabled individuals to participate in active life by doing sports, is the part of the society closest to obesity and similar health problems, both psycho-socially and physically. It aims to enable disabled individuals to minimize these risks and lead a healthier life by doing sports.

For the "Every Stroke, One Life" activity, which was initiated by installing a disabled pool elevator in the Olympic Swimming Pool in order for disabled individuals to swim and do sports, the shower areas and toilets of the Alanya Municipality Olympic Swimming Pool were revised for disabled individuals, a special locker room was designed and disabled individuals took showers from the pool. Wet area wheelchairs are provided for them to use while passing to the area.

Muscle measurements and monitoring of disabled individuals are carried out by the Physiotherapist assigned to the activity, and the activity is shaped for disabled individuals, and disabled individuals who cannot swim are taught swimming by the swimming instructor assigned to ensure the sustainability of the project.

Important Note: Disabled individuals who want to take part in the "Every Stroke is a Life" activity must first be examined by a Physiotherapist and then meet the health conditions of the Olympic Swimming Pool. For detailed information, you can get detailed information from the Accessible Park and Life Center's e-mail address: 0242 513 43 45 or eskisiz@alanya.bel.tr.

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